Alderwood – Expanding the Circle is an intensive multi collaborative partnership program offering family education and children’s support services.
Key Message:
We believe our relationships make us stronger and children and families thrive in a strength based environment. Families are at the centre of services and supports are collaborative, culturally responsive, individualized and flexible. We are trauma aware and relational. We honour each child and families unique journey.
What we do:
Alderwood – Expanding the Circle is a community colloboration between Ministry of Children and Families, Vancouver Aboriginal Child and Family Service Society and Child and Youth Mental Health supporting for children (ages 6 to 12) and their families. We offer supported environments for learning and change and provide a range of interventions and supports that address the multiple barriers families face. Alderwood is a multi disciplinary team composed of therapists, parent/ child coaches and support staff who provide comprehensive, focused interventions on site, in home, school or community. Family is always at the centre of our service and are included in all aspects of planning, goal setting and decision making.
Depending on the unique needs of each family engaging in service, support may include:
- Children’s Social and Emotional Groups for self regulation
- Parent Education Groups
- Parent/ Child Observation and Coaching
- Individual, Dyadic and Family Therapy
- School and Classroom Advocacy
- Navigation and Support Accessing Other Resources
- Outreach and Community Support
You can expect:
- An environment that is sensitive and responsive and addresses the many layers of a family’s lived experience
- Developmentally informed assessment of child and family needs
- A commitment to meaningful involvement of the people living with complex challenges
- An understanding of child and family strengths
- A space that strives for safety where trusting relationships can be built
- Individualized and family centred planning
- Interventions and supports that strengthen families, increase their resilience in the face of adversity and stress
- Recognize and promote awareness, skill and strong family interactions
- Support to access other community resources
- Outreach
- An intentional space that treats each child and family with dignity, is culturally responsive, gender affirming and shaped by a trauma aware approach
- Teamwork from an equity lens that is affirming, approachable and responsive and adds value to a lives of the children and families
- That Alderwood comes to the space as both teachers and learners and that we listen to understand
- Work offered from a sense of gratitude and possibility
- Childminding during Parent Education Groups
Platinum donors
Helping families